senior man writing about diabetes and dental care

Diabetes & Dental Care: A Quick Guide

With hundreds of millions of diagnoses worldwide, diabetes is a major concern…

Chewing Gum Can Help Your Teeth

That is, if the gum is sugarless. Gum with sugar in it still isn’t good for…

Why Snacking Can Hurt Your Teeth

We’re not going to tell you to stop snacking entirely, so you can cross that…

Why Does Your Dentist Recommend a Bone Graft?

Conceptually, jawbone grafts are fairly simple. New bone, or bone-like…

How Useful Are Floss Holders?

The answer is: it depends on the person. We all know that flossing is important…

Why Does My Mouth Taste Like Soap?

Maybe this has happened to you. You wake up, get ready for the day, but when…

Summer a great time for braces

Why Summer Is a Great Time to Start Braces

Why not start getting your kids' smiles in shape this summer? Kids, & often…

School required dental exam for kids

Your Child's School May Require a Dental Exam

Many primary & secondary schools across the United States (& in some…

new year insurance trick

A Little-Known Dental Insurance Trick Can Save You Money

When it comes to dental insurance, or insurance in general, many of us are…

a root canal can save your tooth

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Root Canals

Root canals have earned a bad reputation. This procedure has become the butt of…